It is a chronic infectious disease
clinically manifested by rarefying osteomyelitis and localised or systemic
pyogranulomatous lesions.
Aetiology- Actinomyces bovis-
Host range- common in cattle and
occassionally seen in sheep, horse, goat, pig
Chronic actinomycosis is seen in dogs
Mode of transmission-
- Gets entry by wounds of buccal
- Young calves with eruption of
- Adult hunting breed of dogs are
commonly affected
- In swine mammary gland injury
due suckling by piglets leads to entry of bacteria
- In horse leads to poll evil and
fistulous wither
Clinical signs
- Cattle- jaw bones- painless
bony swelling over the mandible and maxilla on the level of central molar
- Bones becomes enlarged,
rarefying and spongy
- Teeth become loosened
- Cavities of spongy bones gets
filled up with pus
- Development of sinus and honey
like mucoid and purulent yellowish granulated pus discharges are seen
- Involvement of maxilla and
mandible result in difficulty in prehension and mastication, improper
digestion and loss in general health.
- When soft tissues are involved
orchitis and abscess in brain and lungs are seen.
- Horse- poll evil and fistulous
wither are seen
- Pig- granulomatous lesions are
seen in mammary gland
- Dog- fever, emaciation,
lethargy and dyspnoea are seen
- Actinomycosis in throat cavity
causes cough and dyspnoea
- Actinomycosis in abdominal
cavity causes distension of abdomen due to fluid and abscess.
- Cutaneous form of actinomycosis
is also reported in dogs.
- from clinical signs and
physical examination.
- By staining of discharged pus-
discharge of sulphur granule pus which is made up of clumped organisms
- Culture of discharged pus on
anaerobically on blood agar, brain heart infusion agar, sabouraud's agar.
It appears as small, smooth, round convex, opaque colonies on surface of
the agar plate.
- Agar gel precipitation test by
taking capsular antigen.
- Differential diagnosis-
Wooden tongue
Bottle jaw
Foreign body
- Drainage of sinus
- Potassium iodide- 4- 8gms daily
orally for 7-10 days
- Sodium iodide- 1g per 12 kg bwt
intavenously once
- Isoniazide- 20mg per kg bwt for
100 days
Penicillin- cattle- 12000 iu per kg bwt
Ceftriaxone- 5-10 mg per kg bwt
Prevention and control-
- Affected animals should be
isolated and treat separately
- Animals should be fed with soft
palatable diet