Bench terracing

Bench terracing transforms comparatively steep land into a series of leveled platforms across the slope to reduce the slope length and subsequently the soil erosion. This method is suitable for soils having slopes 16 to 33%. A piece of sloppy land is transformed into a series of benches by digging soil from the top part and filling at the lower part of the terrace. Bench terraces reduce both length and degree of slope and thus prevent soil erosion. Bench terraces provide permanent infrastructure for the cultivation of crops like paddy, potato, oilseeds, vegetables in double or multiple cropping annually. As a result, the productivity of the crop is increased by almost two-fold. The runoff loss of water in this system may be reduced to the extent of 8-13%. Besides, bench terracing reduces erosion rate to less than 1tha-1 on 25% slope. The main drawback of this technology is its high-cost involvement during its construction.