Alternate wetting and drying
wetting and drying (AWD) is a method of controlled and intermittent irrigation.It is a water-saving technology that saves up to 15-30% water with no/little
yield loss (upto 5%). In this process, irrigation water is applied from 10 DAT
or 20 DAS only after the disappearance of ponded water from the soil surface.The most efficient and accurate way to implement AWD is through the use of a
‘field water tube’ or ‘pani pipe’ of 30 cm length and 7-10 cm diameter to keep
vigil the water depth.After a few days of application of irrigation,when the
water level drops below 15 cm from soil surface,the field should be
re-irrigated.However, during the sensitive stages (flowering) a thin layer of
water of about 5 cm is always advocated. AWD improves water use efficiency (upto
1.2 kg m-3) and reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 30-50%.