Egg-layer species

·       Goldfish

·       Koi carp

·       Zebra danio

·       Black window tetra

·       Neon tetra

·       Serpae tetra

Gourami (Trichogasterspecies)

 Gourami are  egg layer species which lay eggs in water during breeding season and after laying eggs the male fish spray milt over the eggs and eggs are  fertilized. After hatching larvae comes out and   later swim freely after some time

·         Gouramies like Blue gourami, Trichogastertrichopterus; Gold gourami (another mutant of T. trichopterus); Rainbow (stripped) gourami/ Dwarf gourami, Colisafasciata and C. lalia; Pearl gourami (T. leeri); Moonlight gourami (T. microlepis). have been introduced and successfully reared in the rice field.

·      Release adult healthy specimens of different species of gourami, both male and female at1:1 ratio, in the rice fields having at least 15 cm of water depth in the rice fields.

·      The gourami species breed mostly during the month of June to August. They are egg layer. They prepare bubble nests using canopy of rice plants and lay greenish eggs within the nest.

·      The egg mass hatches after 20-25 hours depending on the water temperature. Fry are recovered after two months.

Other egg layer ornamental fish species

·      The Barbs like Rosy barbs (Puntius conchonis), Tiger barbs (Puntius tetrazona)  are  potential  species for culture in rice fields.

·      Danios like Zebra danio (Brachydaniorerio) are indigenous to the rice ecology and   have good scope for culture in rice fields.