Duck farming combined with the fish ponds

In this system duck keeping integrated with pond fish culture.  The duck shed (night shelter for ducks) constructed on the pond dyke projecting towards the water area of the pond having 0.5 m2 per bird using locally available materials (such as bamboo, rice straw and using wire mesh etc.). The duck dropping falls directly to pond water area, which helps in waste and nutrient recycling, leads to increase in production of natural food (plankton, Zoo and phyto) in the ponds, which in turn enhances the fish production. During the day times ducks are allowed to swim freely in the fish ponds, the waste/droppings are dispersed uniformly in the ponds which act as good fertilizer, thereby, expenses for fertilizer, feed, supplementary feed for fish is minimized. Additionally, duck’s presence in fish ponds prevents the growth of the aquatic weeds and increases the biological productivity of the ponds, and swimming action stirred the water, which action enhances the dissolve oxygen concentration. Ducks eat the weeds, insects, larvae, worms etc. present in the pond adding more additional feed to them.