Preventive measures are to be taken based on a prediction before it happened. The following preventive measures are recommended for drought:
• Rainwater harvesting for life-saving irrigation.
• Perform off-season ploughing to conserve moisture in-situ and to facilitate early /timely sowing of field crops.
• Use of tractor/power tiller drawn farm machineries like seed drill, drum seeder, transplanter, dibbler, etc.
to complete the sowing in a short period.Use of power-operated weeder, cono weeder etc. to manage the weeds in the early
stage of crop growth.
• Adopt intercropping/ mixed-cropping/integrated farming system in recurrent drought-prone areas
• Select low water requiring crops and cropping systems matching the length of the growing season
• Select drought-tolerant and short-duration varieties.
• Tillage across the slopes and sowing along the contour for in-situ conservation of moisture.
• Community nursery for rice near to water source.