Furrow irrigated raised bed planting

Furrow irrigated raised bed planting (FIRB) planting involves the planting of crops on raised beds or ridges and the application of irrigation water to the bottom of furrows.For most of the soil types (sandy loam to loam soils) and crops,FIRB of 67cm width (top width of bed-37cm; furrow-30cm) is widely used.On the raised beds,two rows of crops like rice,maize,wheat,or chickpea are grown.This method of planting facilitates in-situ conservation of rainwater in furrows,better drainage of excess water and proper aeration in the seedbed and root zone.FIRB increases water use efficiency and saves up to 25-30% of irrigation water.It saves 70-80% of time,labour,cost,diesel,and energy;produces higher yields (4-5%) and energy efficiency (20-25%) compared to conventional sowing.