Shallow tube wells

Shallow tube wells are made to tap groundwater from a depth of 30-60 m and the water flow rate is 20 LS-1. Groundwater irrigation through shallow tube wells is one of the alternatives, sometimes complementary methods to irrigate the rice crop with surface water. The shallow tube well is used for supplementary irrigation to rice crop during a dry spell in the rainy season. One or two shallow tube well irrigation from a shallow tube -well in the dry season can make it possible to take short duration pulse/ oilseed/ spices crop in coastal area supplementing the residual soil moisture carried over from the preceding rainy season. Installation of shallow tube wells may directly influence the cropping intensity by increasing the net sown area in the coastal rainfed area. This water-smart technology increases the grain yield of tropical lowland rice by 18-20% due to the timely availability of water. Accelerated exploitation of groundwater is not recommended in the coastal areas as it will facilitate the salinization of aquifer due to saltwater intrusion from the sea. Shallow tube wells are preferred in the coastal area adjacent to the sea for supplemental irrigation.