District Agromet Units (DAMUs)

District Agromet Advisory Units (DAMUs) is being guided by ICAR Institutions and SAUs. DAMUs are receiving and disseminating meteorological information and forecasts for the concerned districts. Many functions are performed by DAMUs such as on-farm testing of various agricultural technologies to assess the location specificity; organizing demonstrations of location-specific technologies on farmer’s field to establish the production potential of technologies; capacity development training to farmers and extension personnel for enhancing their skill and knowledge about the modern agricultural technologies; For improving the agricultural economy of the district, working in close collaboration with public, private and voluntary sector initiatives to act as a knowledge and resource centers for providing farm advisories using social media, ICT and other media means on different aspects. 25 centres of All India Coordinated Research Project on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM) located in State Agriculture Universities, distributed across the country have made efforts to issue Agromet advisories through Radio, TV, Newspapers etc. in local languages. Agromet bulletins to Line Departments of various state Governments are also distributed by the AICRPAM. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and India Meteorological Department (IMD) have jointly planned to augment the Agromet Advisory System (AAS) network to sub-district (block) level. Under this plan, 200 Krishi Vigyan Kendras  including the 110 Aspirational districts have been identified for setting up of District Agro-Met Units (DAMUs) to provide Agromet services to farmers.