Seed bank
Seed banks are
anticipated to play a bigger role as climate change progresses. Local
communities can get climate-resilient seeds of different crops from seed banks
to withstand changing local climates. It ensures seed supply and local food
security. It is needed to store truthful seeds produced by the farmers and reduce the risk of delaying in onset of monsoon. It also allows local
farmers to conserve, and multiply seed of traditional crops and varieties and
protects it from extinctions. Providing
training to farmers through various capacity building is required to produce
truthful labelled seeds of stress tolerant varieties and store them in a
community seed bank. The monitoring of the seed production plots by technical
persons is a basic requirement to establish that the seed is produced with
proper cultivation practices like nutrient, insect pest and disease management,
isolation distance, weeding and rouging etc. After harvesting, debris, weed
seeds are removed from the seed lot and packed with labeling.