Preparation of neem oil + garlic emulsion (2%)
- To prepare
10 litres of 2 % neem oil + garlic emulsion: About 200 ml neem oil, 200 g
garlic and 50 g ordinary bar soap are required. Slice the bar soap and dissolve
in 500 ml luke warm water. Grind 200 g of garlic and take the extract in 300 ml
of water. Pour the 500 ml soap solution in 200 ml neem oil slowly and stir
vigorously to get a good emulsion. Mix the garlic extract in the neem oil +
soap emulsion. Dilute this 1 litre stock solution by adding 9 litres of water
to get 10 litres of 2 % neem oil + garlic emulsion.
- Emulsion should be applied
at 45 days interval using a one litre hand sprayer.
- Rocker or Pedal sprayer can
be used for spraying small trees.
- The spray should be applied
at the crown region by a climber covering only the top six bunches during non rainy