Chemical management

·    When infestation is very severe in young palms and if the biocontrol is not likely to be effective, spray the undersurface of the fronds with any one of the following chemicals viz., dichlorvos 0.02 % (Dichlorovos 100 EC), malathion 50 EC 0.05 % (1 ml/lit), quinalphos 0.05%, phosalone 0.05%.

·       Root feeding technique: A dark brown coloured root is selected for root administration of monocrotophos to the trees. The root is given a slant cut. The cut end of the root is kept in polythene bag containing 10 ml of monocrotophos mixed in 10 ml of water for plants having 15 feet height. Allow the root to absorb the chemical for 24-48 hours. If the root does not absorb the chemical change the root.

(Note: Before administering the chemical the mature nuts should be harvested. After root administration there should be a gap of at least 45 days for harvest of nuts).