Mukhyamantri Adibandha Yojana
- Construction of Check Dams was started by State Government during 2010-11 to utilize a part of the surface run-off flowing down the small streams and rivers to the sea.
- The objectives of the programme are to conserve water at the end of monsoon to meet the domestic needs of near by villages, to provide incidental irrigation to crops in the adjacent cultivated land and to recharge the groundwater.
- During
selection of sites, priority was given to Blocks having less than 35%
irrigation coverage, areas where people are using traditional method of
irrigation by constructing temporary cross bunds on streams and where the
people are willing to take up operation & maintenance of the structures.
- To involve beneficiaries during execution of project, Pani Panchayats (WUAs) would be formed at the time of selection of site for check dams.
- The infrastructure after
completion in all respect would be handed over to Pani Panchayats for operation
and maintenance.
technology supported by the scheme: Improve pond embankment