Cultural management
- Plough
the soil to expose and kill the pupae
- Grow
castor along border and irrigation channel as trap crop
- Flood
the field to drive out the hibernating larvae
- Set
up light trap @1/ha and Pheromone traps @ 15/ ha to attract
male moths
- Collect
and destroy egg masses in castor and tomato
- Hand
pick grown up larvae and kill them
- Spray
Sl NPV @ 1.5x1012 POBs/ha + 2.5 Kg crude sugar + 0.1 % teepol
- Poison
bait: Rice bran 5 Kg + Molasses or Brown sugar 500g + Carbaryl 50 WP 500g +
3 lit of water/ ha, mix the ingredients well – Broadcast in the field in
the evening hours