Chemical management
- Pre-soak the setts in 0.1% solution malathion.
- Immersion of setts before planting in dimethoate 2ml/l or malathion 2ml/l solution for at least 15 minutes or drenching the cane setts kept in the furrow with 0.1% dimethoate solution @ 450-500 litres per hectare before covering them with earth.
- Apply contact insecticides like dichlorvos @ 2ml/lit of water by using hand sprayer.
- Spraying with malathion 2 ml/l or dimethoate 1.7 ml/l on the exposed basal nodes twice at an interval of 10-15 days.
- Application of carbofuran 3G at the base of clumps 5"-6" deep before July.