Chemical management
- Seed
fumigation with aluminium
phosphide (Quickphos, Phosfume, Phostoxin) @ 50 tablets (each 3 g)/ 1000
cu ft.
- Need
based use of insecticides.
- In
particular, persistent insecticides like quinalphos 2.5 ml/l;
chlorpyriphos 2 ml/l; at 15 days interval.
- In
severe incidence cypermethrin 2 ml/l or lamda cyhalothrin 1.5 ml/l or
thiodicarb1.5 g/l on need basis towards the end of crop season.
- Dusting
carbaryl 5% D @ 20 kg/ha
- Spraying
any one of the following insecticides:
- Phosalone 35% EC 2000 ml/ha
- Triazophos 40 EC 2.5l/ha