Cultural management
- Deep summer ploughing
- Intercrop one rows of red gram for every 5 or 6
- Install pheromone trap @ 5/ha
- Use Trichogramma chilonis @ 1
lakh/ha or Chrysoperla carnea @ 50000/ha at 40 and 50
days after sowing of groundnut can effectively check the pest
- Apply HaNPV @ 250 LE/ha or B.t (Bacillus
thuringiensis) 1 kg/ha or 5% NSKE for monitoring eggs and early instar
- Conserve the bio control population of spiders,
long horned grasshoppers, preying mantids, robber fly, ants, green lace
wing, damsel flies/dragon flies, flower bugs, shield bugs, lady bird
beetles, ground beetle, predatory cricket, braconids, trichogrammatids,
NPV, green muscardine fungus.