
In India, Mustard is cultivated in 6.34 million hectare with a total production of 7.82 million tons and productivity of 1234 kg/ha. In Odisha, it is grown in about 0.145 million hectare with a production and productivity of 0.6 million tons and 424 kg/ha (2013-14), respectively. Mustard and toria are major crops for sustainable intensification of rice-based cropping system in the state. Short duration nature of this type of rapeseed mustard makes it suitable for cultivation under shorter length of growing season in rice-based cropping system. Various bio-fertilizers that are implemented on field to enhance yield are mentioned below :-

  1. Nitrogenous (N) bio-fertilizer 
  2. Phosphatic (P) bio-fertilizer
  3. Potash (K) bio-fertilizer