Cultural management
- Regular scouting for pest appearance.
- Installation of Pheromone traps @ 5 traps/ac.
- Deep ploughing the fields to expose pupae to sun light and predatory birds
- Timely and uniform sowing over larger area
- Follow ridge and furrow planting method instead of flat bed sowing
- Apply only the recommended dosage of NPK as basal dose
- Plant 3-4 rows of napier grass/hybrid napier as trap crop around maize fields
- Inter crop maize with legumes, viz., pigeonpea, cowpea, black gram, kidney bean etc. in 2:1 to 4:1 ratio
- Erect bird perches @ 10/acre to encourage natural predation by birds
- Adopt clean cultivation to eliminate possible alternate hosts
- Destruction of egg masses and larvae by crushing
- Application of sand or soil mixed with lime in 9:1 ratio into whorl of maize plants